Monday, 5 September 2011

Copyright Enforcement Group - How to deal with copyright infringements online without the need for lawsuits

If you are a content producer, director, or other creative thinker who has become a victim of copyright infringements across websites, peer-to-peer networks, or elsewhere on the Internet then you may have thought about taking legal actions against infringers. But frankly, a lawsuit should be the very last thing that you consider. Not only does it initially cost you with expense of litigation, but it also is the most time consuming way to a solution while alienating potential customers. On the other hand, a lawsuit also is the last thing that infringers want to face as it can charge them with heavy damages per infringement plus the costs of legal representation. So, this seems to be something common among copyright owners and infringers; both of them intend to avoid a lawsuit and come to resolution. Well, then what is the best alternative to avoid lawsuits? Does an alternative sound sensible? Read on….

Copyright owners can subscribe to services from intellectual property protection firms to deal with these issue. These firms can settle claims between copyright owners and infringers prior to lawsuit. For example, the Copyright Enforcement Group or CEG is an acclaimed protection and settlement firm which charges a small one-time fee to settle a copyright infringement. Infringers have every reason to agree to CEG’s reasonable terms and conditions. Its settlement portal offers infringers multiple options when compared to other intellectual property protection companies. Apart from payment of a one-time fee, infringers can also opt for the option of purchasing physical copy or digital copy of the title that was infringed upon, or even online subscriptions. In any case, the solution in much more reasonable and economical for all involved. Moreover, settlement through CEG helps infringers to get unconditional release from all liabilities immediately, and in confidence.

On the other hand, copyright owners who intend to recover lost revenue due to copyright infringements find it as the convenient option; thus protection firms create a win-win situation for both the parties involved. As for CEG, it settles claims for all types of contents including audio, games, software, video, image, and text, and it also offers flagship monitoring services across the Internet and peer-to-peer protocols 24/7/365. Simply put, subscribing to services from CEG or some other acclaimed intellectual property firm is the best way to deal with copyright infringements online without the need for lawsuits.